These papers cover the fundamentals along with a number of other subjects of relevance to private equity investing. All papers are the work of Sand Hill Econometrics founder Susan Woodward, Ph.D., unless otherwise noted.
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Sand Hill Fundamentals
Irreplaceable Acquisitions Here is a new assessment of venture outcomes that speak to the wisdom of current pending legislation. November 2021, 15 pp.
Sand Hill Index Calculation White Paper This new white paper details the process of creating the Sand Hill Index of Venture Capital, and the underlying econometrics theory. October 2014, 25 pp.
Our Original White Paper
“Benchmarking the Returns to Venture” (with Robert Hall)
This version is the 2003 edition of our white paper. We have made lots of changes since then. December 2003, 32 pp.
Other Private Equity-Related Papers
The Burden of the Undiversifiable Risk of Entrepreneurship (with Robert Hall, Ph. D.) Entrepreneurship is risky. We study the risk facing those backed by venture capital. We find that almost three-quarters of entrepreneurs receive nothing at exit and a few receive over a billion dollars .Because of the extreme dispersion of payoffs, an entrepreneur with a coefficient of relative risk aversion of two places a certainty equivalent value only slightly greater than zero on the distribution of outcomes she faces at the time of her company’s launch. AER, June 2010
GARP Magazine: Measuring Risk of Alternative Assets
Alternative assets present a variety of challenges to risk managers. Indeed,it is difficult to evaluate the risks of these complex instruments,particularly for assets that are illiquid and opaque. But there is hope. Dr. Susan Woodward provides a risk metrics-friendly blueprint for effective alternative assets measurement.
May/June 2005, 4 pp. (PDF 104 K)
Measuring Risk and Performance for Private Equity
This paper offers an approach to measuring risk and performance of assets in the two major sectors of private equity and discusses the implications. August 2009, 27 pp. (PDF 143 K)
Benchmarks for Alternative Assets
This article is an overview of the history and practice of benchmarking, and the various approaches private equity portfolio managers may be familiar with. 6 pp. (PDF 40 K)
Other Topics of Interest
Consumer Confusion In the Mortgage Market
In many ways the US mortgage market is highly efficient, but there is evidence that many borrowers are very confused by this complex transaction. July 2004, 52 pp. (PDF 256 K)
Regulatory Capture at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
The SEC is not unique: It is just as captured by those it regulates as other Federal agencies. March 1998, 19 pp. (PDF 288 K)